
Montenovo Investiment proposes itself as a valid Partner for active and proactive participation in projects with high added value. The investment sectors can be multiple and heterogeneous but mainly Montenovo Investimenti is particularly involved in:

  • Real Estate Investments in Italy / Abroad
  • Digital projects
  • Startup
  • Energy (in particular Green projects)



Montenovo Investiments is aimed at companies that want to land in new countries and expand their field of action by exporting or importing goods and services. Specialized in Eastern countries such as: Ukraine, Moldavia, Russia (when granted), Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria.

The deep knowledge of these countries and of the market dynamics allow us to support companies with competence and sagacity so that commercial horizons can be broadened.

Native speaker consultants will also be made available to our customers for a feasibility and opportunity study.


The mediation service sees us employed as official guarantor in the relationships born and existing between Company and Company. The aim is to put the realities in effective communication by protecting their mutual interests in full transparency.

The mediation will do nothing but make the agreements official in all its clauses by respecting times and obligations.



  • 1. Project identification

    For a project in which to invest to be interesting it must have well-defined characteristics. It must be primarily achievable and concrete. They seem trivial characteristics but in reality they are the foundation for every participation.

  • 2. Analysis and Research

    Analysis and research are essential moments because they determine the success or otherwise of the entire project. We analyze case histories, promulgated laws and everything necessary for a good start.

  • 3. Feasibility

    The feasibility concerns the calculation of budget and resources to be dedicated to the project. Also the evaluation and use of dedicated professionals with the required know-how essential for success.

  • 4. Resource Identification

    Resources are identified not only from an economic point of view but in terms of roles in functions and skills. The hierarchy must be well defined so that the project does not encounter impediments of any kind

  • 5. Validation and Execution

    The validation and execution step are subsequent to all the others which must coexist at the same time. It decrees the effective start of the project.